I am a Toronto-based Photographer/Videographer/Designer.

Here’s a 1 min interview about me:

Thanks for EYA and Buick Canada.

The video is credited to @chenvisual.


Qirou Yang is a Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist who originally came from southern China. She received her BFA at OCAD University and MFA in Documentary Media at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University). Her art practices, which are intertwined between reality and fiction, are mostly driven by tracing her personal memory and self-perception. She utilizes text, images, motions and installation to explore the ontology of the medium. She believes that the nature of every medium ought not to be dull and set in stone, but to be sculptable and flexible. She has participated in art festivals such as Vector Festival, Video Fever, and UAAC Conference; she has also participated in art residencies such as Digital Art Residency COLLAB-19, Videopoem at the gallery Vidéographe in Montreal, Sensing Alienation at the Ontario Culture Days. She is currently working as a Multimedia Content Specialist at York University.

楊綺柔,來自廣東深圳,現居多倫多。 2018年畢業於安大略藝術設計學院攝影系本科;2020年畢業於瑞爾森大學,獲Documentary Media純藝術碩士學位。她的作品時常以文本調研為基礎,在現實與虛幻的臆想中徘徊,如海綿般吸收與釋放靈感。她運用文字、圖像、錄像與裝置,在創造過程中探討媒介的本體性,探索自我感知與重塑個人記憶。她堅信媒介的性質不是單一、枯燥與一成不變,而是具有泥巴般的可塑性。楊綺柔的作品曾在Vector Festival (多倫多, InterAccess美術館, 2020), Video Fever (多倫多,Trinity Square Video館, 2020) 展覽,UAAC加拿大藝術學術論壇展出(溫哥華, 2020)。她曾參與線上藝術駐地項目COLLAB-19 (渥太華, Artengine & En Masse), 以及Videopoem (蒙特利爾, Vidéographe館, 2021)。她现于York University的担任多媒体创作者。